Verified Correct Copy of Original 4/8/2021 ._ 1:20 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FILED FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY ry ~ APR~7 AKIO: 06 | “TH JUDIC] Mason Lake Case No: 20CV19838 mes! vs City of Portland Order 1. This case is set for TRIAL on__1/(0/22 . Any request for a change in the trial date selected at the trial readiness conference must be presented to Presiding Court and will not be granted without a showing of good cause based upon extraordinary circumstances. The case will be called for assignment to a judge and courtroom on \/+/2Z _ in Room 7A at 9:00 a.m. The parties or their representatives are required to appear personally when the case is called for assignment to a trial judge by the Presiding Judge, unless the Presiding Judge has granted the parties’ request for leave to appear by telephone or at another date/time or the party has reported unconditionally ready for trial. 2. The matter will be tried by K] JURY COURT. 3. The number of days estimated for trial is 4 DAYS. Trial will take place Monday through Thursday, between 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m., unless this schedule is modified by the assigned trial judge. 4. Judge Amy M. Baggio is the motion judge; the judge 1] has [X has not heard motions or made any substantive rulings in this case as of the date of this order. 5. There will be motions in limine presented to the assigned trial judge before a jury is selected. There [] will §{ will not be other pretrial matters that will be presented to the assigned trial judge before a jury is called to the courtroom. 6. Pursuant to the discretion given by UTCR 7.020(5), and based on the factual findings on the record, the court finds good cause to set the trial date later than one year from the date. OTHER: ADR Deadlme 10/29/21 DATED: 04/06/2021 Honorable Eric L Dahlin Circuit Court Judge Order Trial Readiness Conference (Rev 03/21)