Transcription of MCSO addendum recommending Swinney -not- be released at this time.


Editors note: Part of this document notes that the Close Street Supervision department doxxed Mr. Swinney’s home address, potentially putting him and roommates at risk. It is worth noting that for this reason, we purposefully redacted this information in our previous transcript. You’re welcome, Multnomah County Sheriffs Office.

No redactions are needed in this letter this time.

Filed with Multnomah County Court Oct 15, 2020

CSS Street Report Addendum

This report is to act as an addendum to the Close Street report written and submitted on 10/12/2020. In my initial report, I recommended the defendant be released on Close Street supervision. After submitting the report, I was made aware additional information may be available through the Portland Police. I spoke with their intelligence unit and they relayed concerns regarding the defendant. It was reported that the defendant is active in protests and online activities. His activities at these rallies and on social media act as a lightning rod for violent interactions. Portland Police reported that the situation between the far left and far right groups has become increasingly violent in recent months. They are concerned that the defendant’s activities will escalate this violent trend.

I was also contacted by an additional victim that stated their concern about the defendants release. They said that they are not in fear that the defendant would be a direct physical threat but his on line presence has caused great fear in the victim. They reported that due to the defendants posts on social media they have been receiving death threats from groups aligned with the defendant. They reported that the defendant continually posts information that incites direct threats toward them.

Another concern is the safety of the defendant himself. When I submitted my report, the potential release address was included. It has not been made public and there is concern for the safety of the defendant as well as anyone living at the address.

With the added information I would request the court either deny release or delay it until a safety plan that better protects the safety of the community, the victims and the defendant himself. If the court were inclined to release the defendant, I would ask that additional conditions of release be applied concerning the defendants presence at protests and his online activities.

Deputy Randy Johnson

Close Street Supervision

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