Elk Build, Oct 12


Obviously this is an outdated post, but there was a lot of work that I had to do on the back end to get this set up properly. On the weekend of October 10th, alt-right actors stole the ‘Nightmare Elk’ statue that had been erected in Downtown Portland, a stand-in for the historic Elk Statue that has been put in storage by the city due to protest related damage. A group of people, led by the @PortlandElk Twitter handle, came together to build a new one. It was never meant to be long term, never meant to be particularly fancy, but it was a chance for the community to come together and show the thieves that what was supposed to be a moral blow would not affect the mood of the protesters.

Photos were difficult to come by while still working to maintain privacy of the builders, but there were a number of pictures that I was still able to get together. This is also the unveiling of a new image site for Raindrop Works, powered by Pixelfed, an open source image sharing site where we don’t have to worry about content being pulled by corporate interests about ‘marketability’

The gallery itself can be viewed here.


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