Category: Transparency

SWNI Doubles Down, Becomes More Opaque

Opacity, compartmentalization and self-dealing. SWNI seems to be focused on making themselves as insular as possible as the city looks to pay them for it....

Court Wrap Up, December 1, 2020

With the ‘holiday’ weekend, there haven’t been too many changes in court cases, but I’m still trying to keep up on stuff. One case that...

Court Case Wrap Up, Nov 24

Another week or so, and another slew of updates in court cases. I’ve had a bout of something wrong between medication issues and time changes...

Schmidt versus the Patriot Prayer

This analysis was requested by a reader on Twitter, and it has been a case that I’ve wanted to get a better handle on, but...

Court Case Wrap Up, Nov 13

This week has been a lot of self-recovery and time in bed (still not sure what I got hit with. Not sick, just -incredibly- tired)....